Morse Pond Sun Sail Installed Successfully Thanks to Christian Valle from the Valle Group10/26/2020 Thank you so much to the early Saturday morning crew under the supervision and work of Christian Valle, from the The Valle Group, who came out to finish the install of the Morse Pond School sun sail! Special thanks again to Chris Debettencourt from Accurate Fence who dug and secured the posts for us on Thursday in advance to make this work go super quick!
It is so amazing to see the progress our committee is making for our kids!! Thank you to everyone for leaning in and giving your time and talents no matter how big or small, it all makes a difference!
![]() Thank you to Murray & MacDonald Insurance for the donation of 20 portable desks to Morse Pond. These lightweight desks will make outdoor learning so much easier!! We are now only 20 away from reaching our goal of 60! If you’d like to make a donation, please reach out Jackie Jepsen, our point person for Morse Pond School. 490 bags of chalk for the Morse Pond Schools was delivered this Saturday to be put into the incoming recess bags (purchased by the Morse Pond PTO) with the jump ropes (donated by local families) for the 5th and 6th graders! The chalk was purchased using donations made to our committee via the Falmouth VIPS. Thank you to everyone who has contributed from as little as $10 to as large as $3500. Every single dollar helps us!!!
Volunteer, Chris DeBettencourt of Accurate Fence Installs Sun Sail Poles at Morse Pond School10/23/2020 Thank you so much to local dad and business owner, Chris DeBettencourt, Accurate Fence
for digging the holes and securing them last night in preparation for our Sun Sail install tomorrow morning! He not only helped us by donating his time and the cement but also saved lives by saving both myself and our volunteers from digging these holes. Thank you Chris! It is a superb job!!! Morse Pond Volunteer Day: Saturday October 24, 2020 8:30am Sun sail install in the Inner Courtyard Join us to install the sun sail share for the Morse Pond Courtyard under the supervision of our friend Christian Valle of the Valle Group. We are looking for the following items to help us do the install: Step Ladder; Postal Digger (we will be digging down 6 feet for 3 posts); Screw Guns; Shovels; Rakes. If you can help please let us know asap! If you can help let us know below: Volunteer Need On-Going: We are seeking a bi-monthly commitment requested for Saturdays at 10am at North Falmouth Elementary to help reline outdoor classroom and recess zones: 10/17; 10/31; 11/14; 11/28; 12/12; 1/2 (will release more dates as we reassess) We are also seeking donations of outdoor field spray in the following colors: white; neon green; neon orange. If anyone has field liners which would help the process go quicker we would love to borrow them for these days. VOLUNTEERMullen Hall Elementary is on the front page of the digital New York Times today!
Great job everyone! Thank you so much to Mashpee Stop & Shop and Lynne Strouse for donating paper bags for Morse Pond School and 116 balls for North Falmouth Elementary to get them started so each kid can have their own! They had previously donated balls to East Falmouth Elementary. I was totally surprised today! It never hurts to ask and in this case I didn't even have to be as they love what we are doing. Anyone out there that may want to reach out and get us more balls, hula hoops, etc we would welcome the support. Thanks again to Lynne and her team in Mashpee for their incredible generosity!!! 30 Sit-Upons made and donated to the Falmouth Public Schools! These are great for student to use as a cushion on the ground or on their tree stump. Our goal is to have one for each student and school who needs them. To donate these contact Jackie Jepsen. To learn more about how to make them check out Jackie's video here!
A huge Thank You to the Lawrence School PTO for voting to purchase the final two rolling whiteboards for the Lawrence School Outdoor Learning spaces after the rest were donated by local individuals!
Photo Credit: Steve Heaslip photos
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February 2024