The Falmouth Outdoor Learning Project Recognizes Morse Pond School teacher Lisa Langan's Outdoor Lesson for September. Ms. Langan is a sixth grade teacher with the Falmouth Public Schools. Ms. Langan reflected upon this exciting math technology lesson called "Math Scavenger Hunt" sharing, "Seeing the creative ideas students came up with to represent the math topics was so exciting. I also loved to hear their "math talk" as they discussed with each other what to take pictures of and what it could represent." This multidisciplinary lesson included covering standards in Math, Science and Digital Literacy. "They were very excited to 1) be outside, 2) use technology to take pictures 3) make the Google Slide presentations and 4) they were eager to share with me the items in nature that they found and were surprised that they had to noticed these before!" This lesson gave students a chance to put theory into practice to see how things they are currently learning inside the classroom apply into everyday life outside of the classroom. Ms. Langan has shared this lesson and there are additional PDF's including the slideshow for the lesson included below. Congratulations to Ms. Langan!
The Outdoor Learning Project, a committee of the Rotary Club of Falmouth, Cape Cod highlights one outdoor learning lesson each month submitted by our local educators that work with Falmouth students. The committee also awards a $100 as a thank you for featuring their outdoor lesson.
Learn more about the Falmouth Outdoor Learning Project at: Interested educators can submit their lessons here: If you would like to contribute towards the Lesson Recognition Fund, please visit The Rotary Club of Falmouth, Cape Cod, a 501c3 organization. Select Youth on the Paypal link and outdoor classroom project-outdoor lesson. You can also send a Venmo or mail in a check and be sure to include the same note. Our address is: PO Box 293 Falmouth, MA 02541
Morse Pond School now has the first 4 picnic tables for under one of their tents thanks to donations to our committee! Special thanks to Bob Oliveira for going out in the pouring rain to pick them up and deliver to the school for us!!! Morse Pond School still has an immediate need for funding at least 8 additional picnic tables for their other tent and the school grounds. Picnic tables cost approx between $110 to $160 (depending on the current market and availability) but prices just dropped to the lower end. If you would like to make a donation please make one via check, venmo or PayPal to Falmouth Rotary Club memo "outdoor learning picnic Morse Pond". You can also opt to purchase it yourself and drop at the school or have the committee arrange the delivery or assembly. Just be sure to contact us. As we move on from stumps and begin to provide longer term infrastructure for outdoor learning we are so grateful for the continued support from our community and schools! Our committee is still taking donations for picnic tables and other needs across all the schools that have been requested by our staff. If you are interested in helping thru volunteer work or financial support please reach out! Donate via Rotary Club Venmo: THANKS to the crew who, depsite the weather, came out today to get the 2nd outdoor classroom done at Morse Pond School! Volunteers consisted of parents, administrators and our AMAZING Facilities team. Today we set a new record for our installs at 1 hour and 45 mins! Join us next week on Sunday at 1pm as we put up 2 more at the East Falmouth Elementary Outdoor Classroom Tent Install!
If you would like to help or are willing to make a donation to help feed our hardworking volunteers, we would be grateful! {Morse Pond School Requests} Below is a link to the list for outdoor learning requests for Morse Pond School. Please email the committee to contact the committee school liaison, Jackie Jepsen at [email protected] if you purchase or you have questions so we can keep updating this list.
There are over 500 students at Morse Pond School. Link to Morse Pond List For those interested in donating monetarily to the Outdoor Learning project overall OR for specific school requests you have seen posted we have several ways to do so: We can accept donations via any of the following ways below. All donations must have a note whether on a memo line or in their online memo. (Example below) Venmo Paypal Checks: made out Rotary Club of Falmouth-these we can pickup directly from you or you can mail to PO Box 293 Falmouth MA 02541 Example: If you want to donate to Morse Pond for picnic tables you would write: Outdoor learning-Morse-picnic tables on your memo. Thanks to an anonymous donation, the committee was able to provide pedometers to Morse Pond School to be used for both lessons with future walks for water, math and more!
Way to go Morse Pond School Tent Install team! A new record was set installing in 2 hours! Special thanks to all our volunteers including a power team from facilities and our supervisor John Vidal!
Because of the generous donations from our community we were able to get bounce bands for 1 team at Morse Pond School for the Karson/Simanski team! These are great solutions for our students when indoors as their movement is limited. Bouncy Bands are unique products that use movements to stimulate the brain and boost mental performance. A Clemson University study concluded that students using Bouncyband tension bands stay on task for 10% longer and they are especially useful with high energy kids! We would love to be able to get more of these for more of the teams that wish for them. If you would like to make donation specifically for this by purchasing the product or making a donation directly to us please let us know! Morse Pond Sun Sail Installed Successfully Thanks to Christian Valle from the Valle Group10/26/2020 Thank you so much to the early Saturday morning crew under the supervision and work of Christian Valle, from the The Valle Group, who came out to finish the install of the Morse Pond School sun sail! Special thanks again to Chris Debettencourt from Accurate Fence who dug and secured the posts for us on Thursday in advance to make this work go super quick!
It is so amazing to see the progress our committee is making for our kids!! Thank you to everyone for leaning in and giving your time and talents no matter how big or small, it all makes a difference! Thank you to Murray & MacDonald Insurance for the donation of 20 portable desks to Morse Pond. These lightweight desks will make outdoor learning so much easier!! We are now only 20 away from reaching our goal of 60! If you’d like to make a donation, please reach out Jackie Jepsen, our point person for Morse Pond School. 490 bags of chalk for the Morse Pond Schools was delivered this Saturday to be put into the incoming recess bags (purchased by the Morse Pond PTO) with the jump ropes (donated by local families) for the 5th and 6th graders! The chalk was purchased using donations made to our committee via the Falmouth VIPS. Thank you to everyone who has contributed from as little as $10 to as large as $3500. Every single dollar helps us!!!
Photo Credit: Steve Heaslip photos
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February 2024